Six ways to enjoy an #EggcellentEaster
By Egg Farmers of CanadaOur favourite holiday is right around the corner! We love celebrating Easter—from Easter egg hunts, to classic egg recipes and crafts with the kids, this is the perfect time to enjoy Canadian eggs. Canada’s more than 1,200 egg farmers and farm families in all ten provinces and the Northwest Territories are hard at work providing the steady supply of fresh, local eggs needed for all your holiday celebrations.
If you’re looking to make Easter fun and memorable this year, we’re here to help. We’ve put together six ideas for a special Easter. Crafts, decorations, recipes and more—here’s how you can make sure you have an #EggcellentEaster.
Endless options for your Easter brunch
For many families, Easter brunch is the best part of the long weekend—it is the meal where sunshine, delicious food and quality family time come together. There are endless ways to make Easter brunch special.
This year we turned to three Canadian chefs for their unique twists on a favourite brunch dish: Eggs Benedict. For a delicious new spin on a classic, make sure to try Chef Craig Flinn’s BLT Eggs Benedict, Chef Paul Lillakas’ Spring Sausage Eggs Benedict or Chef Dale MacKay’s Puff Pastry Eggs Benedict.

Easter dinner made easy
For a library of great options check out the dinner section of eggs.ca by clicking here. And as you cook, think about the many ways you can reuse your leftovers throughout the week. Read our article with ideas on how to use Easter leftovers.
Entertaining the kids through the Easter weekend
We have plenty of ideas for how to keep the whole family entertained through the long weekend. Consider all the ways you can make and decorate Easter eggs: from yarn eggs, to Magic Marker eggs and more. Click here for other ideas.
There are so many creative ways you can colour your Easter eggs. After you’ve finished colouring your eggs, you can turn the cartons into crafts too! Check it out:
Look at these Egg-carton Crafts!
Easter sweets and baking with eggs
There’s so much room for culinary creativity at Easter—especially when it comes to baking and delicious sweets. If you’re looking for something the kids will love, try this chocolate bunny bread recipe or keep it classic with hot cross buns and lemon meringue pie.
Learn about myth and folklore
Eggs have always held special meaning and significance in our lives—as far back as human history has been recorded, eggs have had a unique status in the myths and folklore of our predecessors. Here are some of our favourite egg legends, from South Pacific symbols to the ancient world.
Play with your food
Sometimes playing with your food is a good thing—like when you’re making a flower garden using eggs and your favourite veggies.
Or turn your eggs into emojis—another kid-friendly way to pair eggs and veggies.
Looking for a fun recipe to try this weekend? Here's one of our favourites! 😃
Let the kids assemble their own emoji egg – they’ll be eating their vegetables in no time. 😇
A tiny bit of prep, and a whole lot of fun!
Take a look at the recipe here: https://t.co/MiLnZpHSgI.
— Egg Farmers Of NL (@eggfarmersnl) April 3, 2020
Share all the ways you’re celebrating Easter this year using the #EggcellentEaster hashtag on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Happy Easter from Canada’s more than 1,100 egg farming families!