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Five reasons kids love eggs

Parents and their kids don’t always agree. Making a mess in the kitchen? Many kids love it, parents may not. Eating their vegetables? Parents love it, many kids do not. There are some things that parents and kids can agree on—and eggs are high on that list!

It’s a win-win for everyone. Eggs offer vitamins, nutrients and protein parents crave for their kids, the ingredients they need to grow up healthy and strong. Meanwhile kids get to enjoy the rich taste of eggs, cooked in dozens of different ways, all of which they can love!

Here are 5 reasons kids, and their parents, love eggs:

Natural goodness

It’s hard to find a food as rich with goodness as the humble egg. Whether it’s protein, Vitamins A, D, E, and B12 or choline—eggs offer the boost kids need to live fulfilling, happy lives. They offer the energy kids need to be active, the nutrients they need to learn and the taste kids need… well, to eat their food.

Preventing allergies

Kids can’t enjoy all the benefits of eggs if they develop an allergy—and no surprise, eggs can help on that front too. Introducing whole eggs early in a child’s diet can reduce their chances of developing an egg allergy. New infant feeding guidelines suggest parents introduce eggs as early as 6 months, or as soon as the baby starts eating whole foods.

Maintaining healthy weight

Research has confirmed that eggs play a helpful part in maintaining a child’s weight. Egg-based breakfasts offer the fuel kids need to thrive throughout the day. Eggs will help kids stay full until lunchtime so they can learn in the most important hours of the school day.

So many delicious recipes

It’s not hard to win kids over with eggs. There’s so many ways to cook them, and you’re bound to find one that your child will love! Whether it’s the simplicity of scrambled eggs or a creamy omelette packed with vegetables, there’s no doubt you and your child will find new ways to adore eggs. Finding a delicious recipe your kids will crave is the best way to get them hooked on this wonderfully nutritious food.

Perfect for expecting mothers

Research has found that pregnant and breastfeeding women who eat eggs are more likely to meet their child’s need for choline. You may not have heard of choline, but kids need it. Choline supports healthy development of the brain, particularly for learning and memory. Eggs are a great choice for mommy and baby alike!