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Egg producer survey

The purpose of this survey is to collect information for a research study that assesses the potential sustainability impacts of future hen housing system scenarios for the Canadian egg industry. Our research team is seeking information regarding current industry efficiency levels in free run and free range hen housing systems. Your participation is essential to the success of this undertaking.

Your answers should represent your activities for 2016 as a whole (and also for earlier years if possible).  The survey collects general information related to feed, hen health, energy consumption, manure management, labour and more. You may find it beneficial to refer to documents such as flock records and financial statements while completing the survey.

The data you provide will contribute to a production-weighted average data set representing the data provided by all respondents using comparable hen housing systems. Individual farm data will not be disclosed. Confidentiality of your information is assured.

In appreciation of your time, Egg Farmers of Canada will donate $25.00 on behalf of Canadian egg farmers to one of our charitable partners for each completed and submitted survey. Should you have any questions about the information requests or prefer a hardcopy version of the survey, please contact our team at

Begin the survey