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About us

Canadians love Canadian eggs. They come from local farmers who ensure our eggs are among the best in the world for quality and freshness. Our uniquely Canadian system of supply management makes all this possible and also supports thousands of Canadian jobs and sustains vibrant rural communities.

Our farmers produce over 837 million dozen eggs annually to meet growing consumer demand. A strong industry makes it possible for our farmers to make long-term investments in on-farm efficiencies and to drive innovation through R&D.

We are a national organization that represents Canada’s more than 1,200 regulated egg farmers in all ten provinces and the Northwest Territories. Created in 1972 under the federal Farm Products Agencies Act, Egg Farmers of Canada manages the supply of eggs, promotes eggs and develops standards for egg farming in Canada.

The Egg Farmers of Canada Way

Egg Farmers of Canada believes in the inextricable link between social license and business success. We nurture our acceptance nationally, and in the broader international community—not just because it is the right thing to do but because it bolsters our aspirations of profitability and enhanced socio-economic development.

Legitimacy with our stakeholders and customers drives us each and every day. We respect and honour the trust the Canadian public provides to our industry under the system of supply management. Everything—from operations to policy development to governance—is approached with the utmost regard for: the communities, environment and society in which we operate; the well-being of our animals; and the health, safety and satisfaction of the millions of Canadians who enjoy and depend upon our product every single day.


To position the Canadian egg industry as a leader in Canada’s agricultural future through sustainable growth, continuous improvement and social responsibility, working collaboratively under the system of supply management to uphold the interests of all those who depend upon and enjoy our products.


A world where everyone—whether it be due to want or need—can enjoy the immeasurable benefits of the humble egg.

Our people

People are the most important part of our organization. Our dedicated Board of Directors and highly skilled staff continuously work to improve and sustain the Canadian egg industry.

Board of Directors

Chair: Roger Pelissero

Executive Committee

The Executive is comprised of our Chair and three members representing Western Canada, Central Canada and Atlantic Canada.

Roger Pelissero

Emmanuel Destrijker
Central Canada
1st Vice-Chair

Glen Jennings
Atlantic Canada
2nd Vice-Chair

Walter Siemens
Western Canada
Executive Member

Leadership team

Drew Black
Chief Executive Officer

Neil Newlands, PLog
Chief Operating Officer

Judi Bundrock, MBA
Director, International Trade Policy
Chief Marketing and Communications Officer

Our partners

Egg Farmers of Canada works across the industry and with a range of partners to address challenges and seize opportunities within our industry, and to support causes that matter to Canadians.

Provincial and territorial egg boards

Community partners

Agriculture partners

Egg Farmers of Canada’s Operations Department is ISO 9001 certified

Operations Department quality policy: The shared goal and responsibility of each Egg Farmers of Canada Operations Department employee is to understand stakeholders current and future needs and, by continuously improving our processes and performance, to meet or exceed stakeholder’s expectations, with high quality services.